27 June 2010

Weekend work

It's nearly noon and I took a break from work to play with my Buzz on gmail since it keeps sending me notes.  I was following 10 people on there, 4 of which I barely knew.  And I don't remember selecting them, so I don't know how that started.  But then it showed that I still had my blog account and that I could connect it, so I did.  But then I figured I better have at least one entry for people to read, so I logged on.  And surprisingly Jason (JDE2) hasn't blocked it here at work, so I'm blogging.

Work has been extremely busy this week.  I'm trying to finish one project due on Wednesday that just won't seem to get done/go away.  So I came in today and by the time I leave, any piece in my hands to do will be done, leaving only the ones I'm waiting on other people for.  We should be able to get it in tomorrow, which I hope gets done.  I have a lot of things coming up in summer that are going to have to get done and I want this done.

Personally, things have been very quiet and it's exactly the way I like it.  I've come to the conclusion that I really function best as a loner.   Ironic, really, that.  In the past I went through times where I really was alone and went extended periods barely talking to other people.  At that time, I found it lonely and isolating.  But over time, what I've discovered about myself is that I prefer lonely and isolated. 

Oh, lord...our building cleaning people are here.  They will want to chat for hours.  If only I could hide...

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