28 June 2010

Intimacy for dummies

It's Monday.  I worked quite literally all day on the annual prequalification, but at 1645 it was ready for review.  It's too bad no one wanted to take the time to review it.  :-)  such is life.  I spent all day at my desk and then headed home. I was lucky...Ron got called into work and the boys were with me on a rare Monday evening.  We had fun.  They wanted to watch TV with me...I Survived.  Completely inappropriate for kids their age, but I want them to learn that bad things can happen, and to learn how, while we may not be able to stop things happening, there are steps you can do to avoid things, situations you can try to not put yourself in, in the hopes of not having to go through horrific ordeals.  And to prep them in case one does happen.  You never know what will happen, but you can try to prepare yourself somehow.  Then they got bored and went to play on FB and Wii.  I got a couple of hours in with them, though.  Took a shower, and then talked to Christie for about an hour about work, and the new show, Baggage.  We're trying to decide whether these people really have baggage or if they're just coming on and TMIing. 

I also got to spend time this evening with someone who, while peripheral in my life, affords me a certain degree of personal intimacy, which is unusual since this is a time when I'm shunning any part of personal intimacy with anyone.  I've known this person for years and, for the most part, find my interactions with them to be pretty easygoing.  Sometimes the very generic quality of our relationship is what makes it so special.  We are very different people, but at a certain level there's just acceptance and connection, a sense of if we're going to be a part of each other's lives, this is just how it's going to be.  In many ways, it makes our relationship that much easier; less work.  It is what it is. I've been surprised to find that after I became content in the knowledge that it would never be something that wholly satisfied me, it has grown into something that indeed offers a great deal of satisfaction nonetheless.

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