04 January 2012

To train or not to train...

...that is the question.  It's the beginning of the new year and like all predictable cliched persons weight loss is on my resolution list.  I managed tremendous success with my resolution from last year, which was to incorporate exercise back into my life.  This year's goal is to maintain that, along with really getting my weight loss.

But in the end, the goal isn't about losing weight.  It's about self-discipline.  And it's shameful, really, how little self-discipline I actually have.  It's no wonder I have internal conflict, because my mind IS self-disciplined.  I need order and uniformity, and yet somewhere in the connection the need and the ability to achieve get re-wired until paralysis sets in.  Is it genetic?  Maybe.  We shall soon see, because starting today it's going to be put to the test.

Can I control myself to lose 15 pounds?  Go.